Los Angeles City Council Files

The Los Angeles City Council records their work on each topic in what's called a Council File. These are stored in the nicely searchable Council File Management System and audio and video recording system. (And if their built-in search fails you, searching with Google or Bing and specifying site:lacity.org often pulls up what you need.)

Upcoming meetings are listed on the Public Meeting Calendar along with links to the related agendas and council files. New council files which are not yet on the calendar can be found in the Council and Committee Referral "Hot Sheet", and you can subscribe to be notified by email of agenda updates.

Those sources aren't great at giving an overview, especially if you're interested in neighborhood council Community Impact Statements, so we put together a rough spreadsheet of city council file activity since 2013, including which neighborhood councils have submitted CIS's. Since that's really big, we also put together a smaller spreadsheet showing just council files with CIS's, as well as a few showing just council files that mentioned certain major committees. (Since committee names change, those may not be complete; caveat lector.)

The spreadsheets are a work in progress; they should include all council files back to Jan 1 2017, and agendized ones back to Jan 1 2013. Please write dank@kegel.com with comments or suggestions.

Council Files

Council Files by topic

Council Files by committee