class robouser_t

Module to simulate FTP users.


Public Fields

[more]static const int NUMSTATES
number of possible values of state_t

Public Methods

[more] robouser_t(Platoon* platoon)
Constructor is public, but only Platoon::startUser should call it.
[more]int start(int usernum)
Start an already-allocated robouser on its tiny-brained way.
[more]void shutDown()
Shut down the fcp connection.

Public Members

[more]enum state_t
stages in a robot's life cycle.

Inherited from ftp_client_pipe_datainterface_t:

Public Methods

ovirtual int handle_data_io(int fd, short revents, clock_t now)
ovirtual void ftpCmdDone(int xerr, int status, const char* statusbuf)
ovirtual int getID(void)


Module to simulate FTP users.
oenum state_t
stages in a robot's life cycle. Order is extremely important; see Platoon::sumInState() and Platoon::startUser(), which assume any state between CONNECT and GETTING (numerically) is alive...

ostatic const int NUMSTATES
number of possible values of state_t

o robouser_t(Platoon* platoon)
Constructor is public, but only Platoon::startUser should call it.

oint start(int usernum)
Start an already-allocated robouser on its tiny-brained way. usernum is the index of this object in an outer container.

Returns 0 on success, Unix error code on failure.

ovoid shutDown()
Shut down the fcp connection.

This class has no child classes.

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